Coelogyne rochussenii – Species, Floral fragrant

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Coelogyne rochussenii 

is native to Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines at elevations of 0-1500 meters above sea level. It grows in low to medium light and can take slightly dry periods but loves all the water and fertilizer it can get in the summer. Temperature tolerant, taking temperatures from 45ºF-90ºF. Very fast grower, known to double or triple in size per growing period. We offer  2-3 bulb division from mother plant (photos).

Flowers span 2″ with many, many flowers per spike, too many to count. The flower spikes are known to hang down as much as 5′ or more on full size plants. The flowers are very fragrant, producing a floral, lemon candy smell that goes all day. Rochussen's Coelogyne can bloom all year round under cultivation.

You can grow Coelogyne rochussenii in a basket filled with sphagnum moss to keep the moisture for few days; or mounted on a long piece of wood and water daily if you have high humidity in your growing area. Only repot when plant grows out of pot and new roots appear in the Spring. A nice specimen with many pendant spikes for your enjoyment from Spring to Winter!

Pot Size: 2-3 bulb division in 4“-5” pot
Fragrant: YES  
Flower Size: 2"-2.5" yellow-green flowers
Blooming Size: YES, blooms in Spring – 
Temp: Cool to hot (50ºF – 90ºF) 
Light: Bright light to 60% shade
Watering: Moist from Spring to Fall. Slightly reduce water but not completely dry in Winter
Humidity: 70% – 85%
FertilizerRegular feeding with a balanced fertilizer from Spring to Fall