Restrepia chameleon - February bloomer

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  • Regular price $35.00

Restrepia chameleon, the Color-Changing Restrepia are blooming now! Theyare blooming again in the same leaves. Easy growing, cool, shade, moist...   Found in Norte de Santander Colombia.

Keep plant in partial shade. Plant can be grown in cool to intermedia conditions. Grow in small pots in any good epiphytic mix; provide good drainage. High humidity; do not allow plants to dry out for long periods. 

Restrepia, first described in 1815, is another genus that in the past was included in Pleurothallis. The species are small in size, with a tufted growth habit. Despite their size, many of the species are quite showy with many single flowered inflorescences on a well-grown plant.

Pot size: 3"-3.5" pot 
Plant size: 5”–6"
Flower size: 2" (5 cm)
Color(s): Red with dark spots
Bloom: Blooming size
Bloom Season: Spring & Summer
Temperature: Cold – Cool – Intermedia (45º–80ºF)
Light Level: partial shade, bright indirect light
Water: Keep moist, well drain
Fertilizer: Little every 2 weeks
Air circulation: Medium
Humidity: 60% - 70%