Pleurothallis portillae – Cool Species

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  • Regular price $30.00

Pleurothallis portillae – Found in Colombia and Ecuador in cloudforests at elevations of 2000 to 2600 meters as a small sized, cold growing epiphyte with suberect to horizontal, slender ramicauls enveloped basally by 2 to 3 closely apressed, tubular sheaths and another below the middle and carrying a single, apical, suberect, coriaceous, narrowly linear, acute, revolute sided, basally sessile and shallowly cordate leaf that blooms in the winter and early spring on a successive single flowered inflorescence arising through a spathe and has thin, tubular floral bracts.

Distinctive because of its long slender leaf, small brown flower with obtuse sepals, narrow petals and a thick, fleshy lip.

Keep plant in partial shade. Plant can be grown in cool to cold conditions. Pot the plant in fine bark with perlite or sphagnum moss. Water regularly and keep potting media moist.

Pot size: 3" pot 
Plant size: 4"-6"
Flower size: .4" (1 cm)
Color(s): Brown, Red
Bloom: Blooming size
Bloom Season: early Spring – Winter
Temperature: Cool – Cold (40º–75ºF)
Light Level: partial shade
Water: Keep moist
Fertilizer: Little every 2 weeks
Air circulation: Medium
Humidity: 60% - 80%