Pleurothallis georgraphica – Ecuadorian Species

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Pleurothallis georgraphica – An Ecuadorian, small sized, warm to cold growing epiphytic species from elevations of 1500 to 3000 meters with slender, erect ramicauls enveloped basally by 2 to 3 tubular sheaths and carrying a single, apical, spreading, rigidly coriaceous, avate, acute, basally sessile and cordate leaf that blooms on a fascile of successive single flowered, short inflorescence arising through a spathe at the leaf base and has a thin, tubular floral bract. Flowers appear on every single leave. Easy to grow and very special for someone loves miniature orchids!

Pot size: 3" pot 
Plant size: 5”-7”
Flower size: 0.4" (1 cm)
Color(s): Green with Mahogany lip
Bloom: Blooming size, flowering
Bloom Season: Spring to Fall 
Temperature: Warm–Cold (40º–80ºF)
Light Level: Low – Shade
Water: Keep moist all the time
Fertilizer: Little every 2 weeks
Air circulation: Medium
Humidity: High