Cattleya (Brazilian Laelia) purpurata probably is the best Cattleya species in our collection! This variety Sanguinea has good shape, substance, texture and contrasting dark pink and violet lip. Each spike can produce up to 6 showy flowers stand up very well and can last up to 4, 5 weeks in cool weather from May until July. Enjoy their sweet fragrant. Special for Cattleya Lovers and advanced growers! This is a large division from our Mother Plant!
Pot Size: 6" pot
Blooming Size: YES, Summer blooms
Fragrant: Yes
Temp: warm - Intermediate - Cool
Humidity: 50%-70%
Light: Medium to Bright (filtered)
Watering: Moist but can be dry out between watering
Pot Size: 6" pot
Blooming Size: YES, Summer blooms
Fragrant: Yes
Temp: warm - Intermediate - Cool
Humidity: 50%-70%
Light: Medium to Bright (filtered)
Watering: Moist but can be dry out between watering