Dendrobium topaziacum (bullenianum) – Rare Species – Flowering Throughout the Year!

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Flowering Throughout the Year! Den. topaziacum (Den. bullenianum) –Rare species with semi-pendulous 24" –36" canes, impressive dense blooming clusters form up and down the deciduous canes, brilliant yellow-orange 1" flowers with scarlet venation in the lip, produces great blooms up to 3 times per year. This medium sized, hot to warm growing, epiphytic species is found in the Philippines in evergreen lowland forests at elevations up to 1000 meters with slender stems and have clusters of orange flowers with red lines that arise on short to 2 1/2" [6.25 cm], densely flowered, inflorescences from all along the older dry canes. Many 24" canes plus new growths in 4" pot. Some are in bud.

It likes some direct sun in the morning and we treat it the same year round. It is normal for leaves to yellow up and fall off in the late summer just before it blooms.

Pot Size: 4"  Large Plant about 1.5 feet to 2 feet tall
Flower Size: 
3/4" [1.9 cm] flowers. 
Colors: Yellow, Orange with Red stripes
Blooming Size: YES, BLOOM 3 times a year
Temp: Hot, Warm to Intermediate (50º–90ºF)
Light: Medium to Bright (filtered)
Watering: Moist (fairly dry between water during Winter)
Humidity: Medium to high (50%-80%)