Fragrant Encyclia Shinfong Smile

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  • Regular price $50.00

Encyclia Shinfong Smile is a cross of Enc. Shinfong Thomas x Enc. cordigera. 

This variety is very pretty green flower with burgundy petals and and contrasting purple on white lip. They are blooming in early and multiple growths. It is a large sized bulbs, hot to cool growing epiphyte, which reaching 8 - 20 inches in height. You will enjoy many long lasting 2.5" flowers for many weeks. These Encyclia can grow as an intermedia to cool condition. They are easy to grow in the same condition of Cattleya at your windows or outside under patio or shade. Reduced water in the cold Winter.

Pot Size: 4" pot
Fragrant: Yes 
Blooming Size: YES, 
Bloom Season: Early Spring March- April 
Temp: Warm - Intermediate - Cool
Humidity: 50%-70%
Light: Medium to Bright (filtered)
Watering: Moist but can be a little dry out between watering
Fertilizer: Every week with half strength 20-20-20 from Spring to Fall